Jai Yoga Insights

Exploring the depths of yoga practice and yogic living

Storytelling, Yoga Philosophy Prem Neote Storytelling, Yoga Philosophy Prem Neote

Being vulnerable is the only path to living your truth

Embracing vulnerability is not a weakness; it's a superpower that connects us to our true selves and others. During my university years, I neglected my well-being, abandoning meditation and yoga, which had grounded me since childhood. A panic attack, soothed by my brother's comforting presence, became a turning point, teaching me to live with my heart first and trust that vulnerability leads me to where I'm meant to be. This revelation brought me back to yoga, shaping how I teach at Jai Yoga, where we encourage students to embrace Satya, or truthfulness, and find strength in their vulnerability.

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Yoga Philosophy, Storytelling Prem Neote Yoga Philosophy, Storytelling Prem Neote

From Pain to Purpose: A story about my revelation in Whistler

There was a day in Whistler that will always stick with me. In 2016, despite a recent ankle sprain, I was determined to enjoy the perfect winter day. I went tubing down a hill, thrilled to embrace the snow. At the bottom, needing help to get out of the tubing ring, I asked a staff member for assistance. Instead of a helping hand, I was met with a muttered comment that cut deep: “Why are you so fat then?”

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The Five Great Elements: Understanding the Pancha Maha Bhutas in Yoga Philosophy

Incorporating the understanding of the Pancha Maha Bhutas into our yoga practice and teachings can help us to deepen our connection to the elements and to the world around us. By exploring and embodying each of these elements, we can gain a greater sense of balance, harmony, and fulfillment in our lives.

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YTT Student Story - Maja Pilipovic

Being a student of yoga for over a decade, Maja finally onboarded a Yoga Teacher Training when her curiosity in yoga reached a peak during the COVID-19 pandemic time. In this teacher training program, Maja has experienced shifts and personal growth she never experienced from elsewhere. Hear Maja shares her yoga journey and thoughts on the program.

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Yoga Philosophy Prem Neote Yoga Philosophy Prem Neote

My biggest regret

Here’s some food for thought - you’re not the same person you were this morning. Why? Because that was in the past. The past doesn’t exist right now. If you are not the same person you were yesterday, then what is the point of guilt and regretting the past?

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