From Our Yoga Teacher Training Graduate - Annette Harrington

Annette Harrington is a student in our 230-hour Yoga Teacher Training. In this teacher training program, Annette has experienced shifts and personal growth she never experienced from elsewhere. Hear Annette shares her yoga journey and thoughts on the program.

What made you want to study Yoga and become a teacher?

Over the past two years I have experienced first hand what a regular yoga practice can bring to my life.  Not the least of which is a different outlook on life and much much more energy.  The spirituality that I have found has quite astounded me and I wanted to learn more and become a teacher so that I can share the experience of yoga with others. 

What do you enjoy the most about the program and the curriculum?

The entire program is very well paced, lots of variety, plenty of time for questions. Of the actual course material, I really enjoyed the philosophy and Yoga humanities topics and how this shaped the practice. They gave me a lot of great insight on how the practice came to have so much meaning other than just physical practice. This gave yoga more spiritual meaning for me and just added to my commitment to learn as much as I could and share it.

I also really appreciated and enjoyed the other participants and the faculty. The openness and atmosphere of the studio and teachers can not be under-praised and it was really great laugh and share and even cry together. 

Were there any challenges in the program? 

The class has some challenging aspects, particularly trying to become accustomed to and learn the Sanskrit words. However, I understand that it is part of the process.  It is fairly "intense" the first  6 weeks or so with lots of reading and assignments but again, this is to be expected I would think to front load information so that we can assimilate it in time to prepare for the actual practice of teaching and a practicum. The weekend schedule was challenging, mostly as I also worked full time so attending classes over weekends was very difficult at times. Nevertheless, I knew that when I registered and doing the program this way would be the only way I could have done it.


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