Meet Our Yoga Instructors


Jai Singh



Having lived in India for a majority of his life, Jai has been practicing yoga since his childhood. After moving to Canada in 2016, Jai noticed how so many people are burdened and weighted down with hectic lifestyles, stress, depression or anxiety. It was at this time Jai felt his calling to become a yoga instructor to help people feel at peace and one with their mind and body.

Jai has over 500 hours of training and has a passion for hatha, ashtanga, vinyasa and pranayama. Jai has over 2000 hours of experience teaching yoga and enjoys teaching powerful yoga flows with a motivating energy.

Often times, our mind is elsewhere, running astray. To address this, all of Jai's yoga workshops and classes have a focus on unifying the mind with the body, leaving us feeling strengthened, whole, complete and connected.

With Jai's extensive knowledge about Hindu and Buddhist mythology, attending Jai's class becomes a transformative experience.

Prem Kaur



Prem learned to meditate when she was four years old, then was introduced to yoga when she was seven years old. She practiced yoga on and off over the years until university, where she focused primarily on her studies and little on everything else. This resulted in Prem living a life full of stress and anxiety. It wasn't until she moved to Canada in 2013, when she realized that something needed to change in her stressful life, Prem started to incorporate yoga back into her daily life. After regular classes of yoga, she noticed her mental stress and anxiety was lessening more and more. She has been maintaining a daily practice of meditation and yoga ever since.

Prem has over 760 hours of training in hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga and restorative yoga with over 1000 hours of teaching experience. She is an E-RYT-550 Canadian Yoga Alliance certified yoga instructor. She loves to teach Hatha, Soothing Flow and Restorative Yoga classes. With a passion for yoga philosophy, history and mythology, Prem loves to infuse storytelling in each of her classes.

Prem's yoga teaching focuses on helping students to tap into their inner-power with the utmost of care, learning more about their inner-selves throughout the process. By practicing yoga this way, we are able to open our awareness about who are we and what our purpose is in life in the present moment of time. 

M.K. Anand

Yoga Instructor & Meditation Facilitator


M.K. Anand's life revolves around managing energy, both as a breathwork and meditation teacher and a clean energy engineer. Raised in the Middle East, distant from his ancestral India, he was influenced by his father's yoga practices and his mother's dedication to vedanta and yoga philosophy. Family vacations involved meditation retreats, ashram visits, and satsangs. Early on, he learned mantras, asanas, and breathwork, which later became his life's pillars.

Moving to Canada for university at 17, he realized the importance of yoga and meditation for balance. He was fortunate to study under Master Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living Yoga Lineage. Using techniques like Sudarshan Kriya, he reconnected with his inner bliss.

Inspired by the benefits of breathwork meditation, after his engineering degree, he shared these techniques with university students, traveling across south-west Ontario. Witnessing students' stress relief reinforced his commitment to yogic teachings.

M.K. completed a rigorous 1000-hour training with the Art of Living Foundation. For over 14 years, he's shared transformative workshops in 10+ cities, focusing on ancient texts and integrating instruments like the electric guitar and djembe with mantras.

Certified by the Sri Sri Yoga school and a Yin Instructor, M.K., with his wife Tanushree Malaviya, directs Santani Ayurveda, promoting Ayurveda's ancient knowledge in the Lower Mainland.

Christine King

Yoga Instructor


Christine found the practice of yoga in 2013 and spent a few years doing yoga on and off. After debating on taking Yoga teacher training for years, she finally went ahead and booked herself on an Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga teacher training course in 2017.

She took her teacher training with The Yoga People in London, England where she was living at the time. Taking this course was the best decision she’s ever made. Although it was a challenging experience, she learned so much and it really fueled her interest in yoga and everything that it encompasses.

Her passion is in helping her students find balance on and off their mat. She teaches in a light-hearted manner and loves playing with both yin and yang in her classes.

When practicing with Christine, you can expect a diverse class with a focus on grounding and working with meditation. Her intention is to have her students leave each class feeling refreshed and renewed.

Vanessa Ameixa

Yoga Instructor


Vanessa is a graduate of Jai Yoga Teacher Training Program. She completed her 230HR Yoga Teacher Training from Jai Yoga in July 2022.

Coming from a strong dance background, Vanessa dabbled with yoga once in a while to gain the benefits of recovery through deep stretching. However, after a very stressful time in her life, the practice of Yoga provided a pillar of support her life when she needed it the most. This led Vanessa towards deepening her yoga practice to an extent where she came to realize yoga was her form of therapeutic self-healing - both mentally and physically. Yoga helped her to develop a more profound relationship with her true self. Vanessa is always in awe of how yoga can take a person away from a stressful time and into so much personal growth and transformation. This is why Vanessa loves practicing yoga and sharing yoga with others.

Vanessa is passionate in bringing awareness and helping her students have a greater understanding of the true self within, through sharing positive energy, holding space, self-love and healing to the mind, body and soul. Vanessa is a busy mother of 3 and is very thankful how much Yoga has inspired her to live a healthy balanced lifestyle, as well as showing her children the true way to live and love life in pure BLISS!

Mike Williams

Yoga Instructor


Mike began his yoga journey over a decade ago absorbing dharma talks and other Buddhist mindfulness practices, slowly, trying to make sense of life. His growing meditation practice and studies significantly influenced his way of thinking. After years of practice, while battling depression and anxiety, he joined Jai Yoga in its early days after opening in the community. He was instantly absorbed. Connecting with the authentic yogic practices of mindful movement, breath work, and philosophy bolstered with community and supporting teachers, transformation was inevitable. Yoga provided a clarity and focus that resulted in several incredible realizations, and dramatically improved his mental health.

Understanding that yoga can be a balance of physical, mental, and spiritual practice, Mike intends to provide space in his classes for everything that needs to arise on the mat for his students.

Mike is a husband, and proud father of his growing daughter, both of whom you may see in or around the studio from time to time.

Cassidy Anderson

Yoga Instructor


Cassidy wears many hats - a yoga teacher, a mother, a nature enthusiast, and above all, a beacon of warmth and kindness. Her introduction to yoga came during a tumultuous time in her life. Feeling adrift and overwhelmed, she was drawn to the mat, seeking solace and balance. While she initially perceived yoga's Asanas as mere physical postures, she soon discovered their deeper essence, connecting the mind, body, and breath.

In the span of three transformative years, yoga became Cassidy's anchor. It not only offered her personal solace but also reshaped her as a nurturing parent. The empowerment and inner peace she derived were so profound that she felt an innate calling to share this gift with others. This passion led her to the doors of Jai Yoga Studio, where she embarked on her Yoga Teacher Training journey in September 2022, culminating in January 2023.

Cassidy's teaching philosophy is rooted in mutual growth. She views every class as an opportunity to learn, both from and with her students. Her sessions are a harmonious blend of play and introspection, often weaving in elements of pranayama, mantras, and meditation. She encourages her students to embrace their voice, breathe with intention, and extend the joy of the practice into their daily lives.

Cassidy's journey, both on and off the mat, radiates compassion, making everyone she encounters feel cherished and valued.

Sahej Bhatia

Yoga Instructor


Yoga came into Sahej’s life in 2018 as a way to cope with stress, depression, anxiety & maintain a healthy mental body. After she emigrated to Canada in 2009, stress was the only lifestyle she knew. With this huge shift in her life, her main focus became getting a job, thriving & trying to be someone she was not. During this tumultuous time, she disconnected with her roots, her home, her sense of self. 

Slowly as her practice deepened, she started getting curious about going deeper into yoga especially  asanas, philosophy & spirituality. This led to her 230 hour teacher training at Jai Yoga Studio. This journey helped Sahej rediscover her roots, her true essence and a deeper calling. 

Sahej’s passion lies in holding space for her students on their path towards inner peace, bliss, connecting with their most authentic self. Sahej likes bringing playfulness, intention, philisophy into her classes & her classes will leave you feeling renewed & refreshed and are suited for everyone. 

Sahej is a CYA-RYT-200 hours certified yoga instructor in alignment based hatha and vinyasa yoga. Sahej is also certified to teach Yin and Restorative Yoga.

Yanick McDonald

Yoga Instructor


Yanick's introduction to yoga came through a book passed down from his father. Growing up, he often observed people in the sukhasana posture, viewing it as a symbol of strength. From a young age, Yanick embodied a survivor's mindset, having endured complete kidney failure at just eight years old. Fortunately, he underwent a life-saving kidney transplant. His consistent yoga practice has greatly contributed to his improved health, tranquility, and mindfulness.

Yanick is a proud graduate of the Jai Yoga teacher training program. He is calm, approachable, and easy-going. His decision to teach yoga stems from a profound sense of fulfillment and a deep love for people.

When practicing with Yanick, one can expect a blend of creativity and tradition, with a strong emphasis on breathwork. As the Hatha Yoga Pradipika states, "The mind is the king of the senses, and the breath is the king of the mind."

Maria Marchebout

Yoga Instructor


Maria Marchebout isn’t just a yoga instructor; she's someone who's walked the path of self-discovery, much like many of us. While she has clocked 200 hours in Hatha Vinyasa and another 300 in the Ashtanga Chikitsa series, she often jokes that the real lessons came from the countless times she toppled over or struggled to find her balance, both on and off the mat. Beyond yoga, Maria has a soft spot for sound healing, a therapy she stumbled upon and grew to love for its gentle way of soothing the soul.

Like many, Maria started her yoga journey by stepping into local classes, a tad unsure but curious about how her body and mind would respond. The global pandemic, with its moments of solitude and reflection, nudged her closer to yoga. It became less about perfecting a pose and more about finding moments of calm amidst the chaos. It was during these quiet moments, often on her living room floor, that she found pockets of joy, a sense of belonging, and a deeper connection to herself.

Maria believes that yoga isn’t about being the most flexible in the room or holding a pose the longest. It's about showing up, being present, and embracing the journey with all its ups and downs. She's still learning, still growing, and she warmly invites everyone to join her on this beautiful, sometimes messy, journey of yoga.

Krissa Ludwigsen

Yoga Instructor


Meet Krissa, who is not only a 500hr certified Dharma Yoga teacher, but also a wanderer of the world, a mom juggling the joys and challenges of raising two kids, and the brain behind the innovative Dharma Straps.

Krissa's tryst with yoga began as a teenager, at 17. Back then, yoga was all about the thrill of stretching, bending, and forming those cool shapes on the mat. She fondly recalls learning the term "asanas" and the excitement of mastering each one. But her real connection with yoga's soul began at 24 when she stumbled upon Dharma Yoga. That first class? It was transformative. She describes it as a moment where she truly "let go," exhaling stresses and worries she didn't even realize she was holding onto.

While she never envisioned herself as a yoga teacher, the universe had other plans. The profound impact of Dharma Yoga on her life ignited a desire to share its magic with others. For nearly a decade, she spread the joy of yoga across London, Hong Kong, and Norway. The teachings of yoga weren't just postures to her; they were life lessons, offering solace, direction, and a sense of belonging.

At 35, a new chapter unfolded in the mountains of Santa Cruz, California. Here, amidst the whispers of nature, Krissa delved into shamanism and plant medicine. These experiences added another layer to her understanding of yoga. Today, if you ask her what yoga means, she'd sum it up with one heartfelt word: "remembrance."

Jaskrn Singh

Yoga Instructor


Jaskarn embarked on his yoga journey in 2016, but his passion truly ignited when he pursued professional yoga training in 2018. He underwent his initial training at Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga in Delhi, India. After completing 290 hours of courses, he began offering both 1-on-1 and group sessions. However, Jaskarn's thirst for knowledge didn't stop there. In 2019, he frequently enrolled in Vipassana meditation classes. To further refine his skills, he registered for a 200-hour teacher training course at the Sivananda Yoga Ashram in Neyyar Dam, Kerala, India, in January 2020.

Jaskarn found that his practice not only sharpened his focus but also stretched his body, mind, and soul. Eager to share these benefits, he believes yoga is suited for everyone, regardless of age, fitness level, body type, or goals. With a commitment to deepening his spiritual understanding, he planned to pursue a level 3 certification course from the Yoga Certification Board in May 2020. His aim? To gain a comprehensive grasp of the Upanishads, enhancing his ability to help others connect with their bodies, minds, and spirits.


Blef Peredo

Yoga Instructor


Yoga has been a part of Blef’s life for over 10 years, and her dedicated practice has opened up her journey to self-discovery. Yoga helped her grow stronger, release emotionally, become more breath-full, more present, and more heart-centered. She found yoga and meditation to be a practice she can always come back to in times of stress and “dark nights of the soul”. This sparked her desire to complete a 200HR RYT with Karma Teachers in 2015.

She is deeply passionate about sharing all the yoga knowledge she has learned and continues to learn. In her classes, she loves to combine creative sequencing, a spirit of playfulness and a dose of inspiration to help you deepen your practice.

She intends to hold space for others to let go, move, connect and come back to that sweet stillness within them, one breath at a time.

‘The very center of your heart is where life begins - the most beautiful place on earth” ~Rumi

Roshni Naik

Substitute Yoga Instructor


Roshni Naik, a Zambian-born Gujarati-Canadian Yoga & Metta/Mindfulness Meditation instructor, began her yoga journey in 2003. She quickly grasped its profound ability to foster an inner equilibrium between her "thinking" mind and her "sensing" body, ultimately leading her towards a more authentic Self. This discovery and exploration, approached with humility, appreciation, and an open mind, became central to her personal philosophy. This mindfulness practice has supported her through life's highs and lows. Two decades later, she proudly completed her 230 hr Yoga Teacher Training and Meditation Teaching Certification at Jai Yoga Studio. As a lifelong learner, Roshni consistently engages in local workshops and is currently diving deep into a 2-year Yoga Therapy program.

Fuelled by a boundless curiosity for holistic well-being, Roshni guides clients on their transformative journeys towards balance and inner peace. Her teaching style, rooted in mindfulness and self-care, offers a sanctuary where individuals can intimately connect with themselves. Through Roshni's sessions, individuals tap into yoga's healing potential, finding growth and tranquility. Whether you're attending a Hatha, Vinyasa, Restorative, Yin, or Metta/Mindfulness Meditation class, Roshni welcomes you with open arms, inviting you to embrace the shared journey of growth, love, and light.

Teach at Jai Yoga Studio

Want to teach at Jai Yoga?

Apply now by sending us a message outlining your yoga teaching qualifications and experience! We look forward to hearing from you.