September To-Do List: Prioritize ‘Self’

Back to school stress - how yoga helps

Lunches made, check. Papers filled out, check. Laundry down, check. Helped with homework, check. The list goes on. Our parenting duties together with career responsibilities, relationships with our significant other and family members are continuous, and let’s face it, at times all encompassing. Add on the unpredictability of life – the curve balls. This year is unlike any other faced with a global pandemic. We all share in the trepidation of the unknown.

This year is unlike any other faced with a global pandemic. We all share in the trepidation of the unknown.

Stop, close your eyes, and slowly bring awareness down to your belly. Do you sense a nervous energy? I know that I do. There is a sense deep within that moves in waves. A sense that at times leaves me feeling anxious, at other times sad. If we don’t pay attention, does this mean the energy does not exist? Not likely. Energy is exuded in our reasoning and behaviour.

As parents, we tend to place the needs of others above ourselves. Maybe this is an innate response – a desire to nurture and protect above all else. It is admirable. But what happens when our focus results in ‘self’ at the bottom of our to-do list? Simply put, the self begins to suffer.

But what happens when our focus results in ‘self’ at the bottom of our to-do list? Simply put, the self begins to suffer.

For years, I confused ‘self-love’ for selfishness. I heard the term, but chose not to believe it, opting to put maximum effort into everything outside myself and minimal effort into myself. I was convinced that I was leading a well-balanced life. Successful career, long-term marriage, well-adjusted kids, family holidays, great friends. On almost all fronts life was wonderful.

Almost is the key word. At some point the minimal effort in ‘self’ caught up with me in a negative way. The details are for another blog article. Fortunately, something clicked inside me and I took the step to make a positive change starting with a yoga membership. It took some time, but through the practice of yoga, I came to understand what self-love truly means. I needed to close my eyes and bring awareness within, to reflect and learn about myself. I’ve come to understand that it takes patience, honesty, and dedication to continue on the path of self-love. It’s not a quick fix and truly that is the beauty of it.

I’ve come to understand that it takes patience, honesty, and dedication to continue on the path of self-love. It’s not a quick fix and truly that is the beauty of it.

Circling back to parenting duties, life’s curve-balls, nervous energy. It will never go away, and that’s okay. It’s life. So, add ‘self’ to the to-do list and place your well-being right up at the top. Prioritize you and be a model for self-care. You will ride the waves of energy that reside within you with more ease. Your sense of well-being will be felt by others and serve to inspire…others and yourself.

Leanne Buck

Yoga became a significant part of Leanne’s life five years ago when she decided that living with pain in her wrists, knees, and hips was no longer an option. With patience and consistent practice, Leanne increased her strength, flexibility, and joint mobility to the point that she became pain-free. Her practice turned into passion and she decided to obtain her Yoga Teacher certification this past year.Leanne is a 200-hour Yoga Alliance registered Teacher. Her Wanderlust hatha training provided a solid foundation of traditional asana methods, pranayama, and yoga philosophy. She has an excellent understanding of body mechanics, restorative postures, the art of adjustments, and contemporary vinyasa sequencing. Her teaching style blends dynamic movement with mindful strengthening and soothing relaxation that is both personal and empowering.Leanne balances family life with business life, social life, the enjoyment of staying active, and travelling. At the heart of it all is indeed her yoga practice - the self care and the thread that binds everything together.

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